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Top thread - Ask HN: What's Prolog like in 2024?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do browsers isolate internal audio from microphone input?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is there any software you only made for your own use but nobody else?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is the best code base you ever worked on?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why do message queue-based architectures seem less popular now?

Top thread - Ask HN: What macOS apps/programs do you use daily and recommend?

Top thread - Ask HN: What was your most humbling learning moment?

Top thread - Ask HN: What would you spend your time working on if you didn't need money?

Top thread - Ask HN: Video streaming is expensive yet YouTube "seems" to do it for free. How?

Top thread - Ask HN: Founders who offer free/OS and paid SaaS, how do you manage your code?

Top thread - Ask HN: Interesting TUIs (text user interfaces), maybe forgotten ones?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do people create those sleek looking demos for startups?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to manage phones and PCs for elderly parents?

Top thread - Ask HN: I want to create IMDB for open source projects

Top thread - Ask HN: What was an interesting project you started and finished over a weekend?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is the most useless project you have worked on?

Top thread - Ask HN: What non-AI products are you working on?

Top thread - Ask HN: Do you also marvel at the complexity of everyday objects?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is not going to change in future?

Top thread - Ask HN: How can I learn about performance optimization?

Top thread - Ask HN: Did you encounter any leap year bugs today?

Top thread - Ask HN: How many of you Apple developers still use Objective C?

Top thread - Ask HN: Nitter officially declared "over" today – alternatives?

Top thread - Ask HN: How many of you are self employed?

Top thread - Ask HN: Those who've joined a friend's startup as an employee, how did that go?

Top thread - Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2024 – Show and tell

Top thread - Ask HN: 9-yo son wants to build a game, I'm lost. What can I do?

Top thread - Ask HN: Who else is working on nothing?

Top thread - Ask HN: Any felons successfully found IT work post-release?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do I train a custom LLM/ChatGPT on my own documents in Dec 2023?

Top thread - Ask HN: What's your "it's not stupid if it works" story?

Top thread - Ask HN: What apps have you created for your own use?

Top thread - Ask HN: What side projects landed you a job?

Top thread - Ask HN: What was the outcome of Reddit blackout?

Top thread - Ask HN: How should I setup a phone for a newly blind relative?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are you reading these days?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are you passionate about at the moment?

Top thread - Ask HN: If you were to build a web app today what tech stack would you choose?

Top thread - Ask HN: PG's 'Do Things That Don't Scale' manual examples?

Top thread - Ask HN: 20% of LinkedIn's recent layoffs were managers

Top thread - Ask HN: Show me your half baked project

Top thread - Ask HN: Does your microwave interfere with Bluetooth? Mine does

Top thread - Ask HN: Tips for Solopreneur?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to do literal web searches after Google destroyed the “ ” feature?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why did Visual Basic die?

Top thread - Ask HN: I’m an FCC Commissioner proposing regulation of IoT security updates

Top thread - Ask HN: Why did Python win?

Top thread - Ask HN: Where to find open-source house plans?

Top thread - Ask HN: Any interesting books you have read lately?

Top thread - Ask HN: What's the coolest physical thing you've made?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is anyone using PyPy for real work?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is the market bad, or am I having the worst luck job hunting?

Top thread - Ask HN: Whatever happened to the “coming wave” of delivery drones?

Top thread - Ask HN: Problems for the next decade?

Top thread - Ask HN: Could you share your personal blog here?

Top thread - Ask HN: Stock Android phone free of bloatware?

Top thread - Ask HN: IP cameras that don't require an app or internet?

Top thread - Ask HN: Alternatives to Reddit

Top thread - Ask HN: Is it time to resurrect a Usenet clone?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is it just me or GPT-4's quality has significantly deteriorated lately?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do you not take criticism of your work personally?

Top thread - Ask HN: Can someone ELI5 transformers and the “Attention is all we need” paper?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is new in algorithms and data structures these days?

Top thread - Ask HN: What tech is under the radar with all attention on ChatGPT etc.?

Top thread - Ask HN: Most interesting tech you built for just yourself?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is prompt engineering just snake oil?

Top thread - Ask HN: Side project of more than $2k monthly revenue? what's your project?

Top thread - Ask HN: What lesser-known accessories do you use with your computer?

Top thread - Ask HN: Successful one-person online businesses?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why do many CS graduates lack foundational knowledge?

Top thread - Ask HN: What has your personal website/blog done for you?

Top thread - Ask HN: How is the SVB situation affecting your startup?

Top thread - Ask HN: Has anyone started over outside of tech?

Top thread - Ask HN: Where are laid off employees gathering?

Top thread - Ask HN: I just want to have fun programming again

Top thread - Ask HN: Employers, why do you want us back in the office?

Top thread - Ask HN: Something you’ve done your whole life that you realized is wrong?

Top thread - Ask HN: Those making $0/month or less on side projects – Show and tell

Top thread - Ask HN: How do you trust that your personal machine is not compromised?

Top thread - Ask HN: Do you hate software engineering but love programming?

Top thread - Ask HN: What sub $200 product improved your 2022

Top thread - Ask HN: What are your predictions for 2023?

Top thread - Ask HN: Has anyone here turned around their life in their 40s?

Top thread - Ask HN: Should HN ban ChatGPT/generated responses?

Top thread - Ask HN: Developer abused “sign in with GitHub”?

Top thread - Ask HN: Are you a “lifer”? If so why?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why isn't remote work advertised as a pro environment initiative?

Top thread - Ask HN: Do you recall any book or course that made a topic finally click?

Top thread - Ask HN: Comment here about whatever you're passionate about at the moment

Top thread - Ask HN: What was being a software developer like about 30 years ago?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is Anyone Else Tired of the Self Enforced Limits on AI Tech?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why don't I see gold at the end of the remote working rainbow?

Top thread - Ask HN: How did you stop drinking?

Top thread - Ask HN: What's Your Biggest Regret?

Top thread - Ask HN: Have you experienced “hiring fraud?”

Top thread - Ask HN: Why is Microsoft Teams still so bad?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are some of the best documentaries you've seen?

Top thread - Ask HN: What happened to vanilla HTML/CSS/JS development?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is there a developer laptop that does not suck and is not a Mac in 2022?

Top thread - Ask HN: Boring but important tech no one is working on?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to find a small town to relocate for remote work?

Top thread - Ask HN: What's the next big thing that few people are talking about?

Top thread - Ask HN: Have You Left Kubernetes?

Top thread - Ask HN: YouTube Channels for the Intellectually Curious

Top thread - Ask HN: What are some cool but obscure data structures you know about?

Top thread - Ask HN: Has anyone here worked on the Windows kernel?

Top thread - Ask HN: I’m 41 and still unmarried – what should I do?

Top thread - Ask HN: GPT-3 reveals my full name – can I do anything?

Top thread - Ask HN: Having trouble getting senior applicants, wondering what to do about it

Top thread - Ask HN: What's the coolest website you know?

Top thread - Ask HN: I miss Usenet. Are there any modern equivalents?

Top thread - Ask HN: Burnt-out, directionless but want to turn it around

Top thread - Ask HN: What game do you wish existed?

Top thread - Ask HN: What to do about ‘Good at programming Bad at Leetcode’

Top thread - Ask HN: How do you deal with rude interviewers?

Top thread - Ask HN: Have we screwed ourselves as software engineers?

Top thread - Ask HN: Teach me something new

Top thread - Ask HN: What’s a good laptop for software development at around $2k?

Top thread - Ask HN: Have you created programs for only your personal use?

Top thread - Ask HN: Share your personal site

Top thread - Ask HN: When did 7 interviews become “normal”?

Top thread - Ask HN: Who operates at scale without containers?

Top thread - Ask HN: I'm So Lonely

Top thread - Ask HN: Any weird tips for weight loss?

Top thread - Ask HN: The book that did it for you in math and/or CS?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is the most unique website you’ve come across on the internet?

Top thread - Ask HN: What made your business take off that you wish you'd done much earlier?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do you deal with getting old and feeling lost?

Top thread - Ask HN: At a peak of my dev career, I hate my life

Top thread - Ask HN: Gmail account security

Top thread - Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2022 – Show and tell

Top thread - Ask HN: Firefox connection problems after enabling DoH?

Top thread - Ask HN: My boss doesn't think I'm doing good work, how to proceed?

Top thread - Ask HN: How did my LastPass master password get leaked?

Top thread - Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

Top thread - Ask HN: Are most of us developers lying about how much work we do?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why is everything changing too fast?

Top thread - Ask HN: Has Google search become quantitatively worse?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are the best-designed things you've ever used?

Top thread - Ask HN: I feel so shallow and dumb when I see what other smart people are doing

Top thread - Ask HN: What do you think about the no-code movement?

Top thread - Ask HN: What you up to? (Who doesn't want to be hired?)

Top thread - Ask HN: Best way to host a website for 500 years?

Top thread - Ask HN: What does one look for in a laptop these days?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is HN having problem keeping up today?

Top thread - Ask HN: Where are all the old Show HNs?

Top thread - Ask HN: Are you also getting extremely obvious spam bypassing Gmail's filters?

Top thread - Ask HN: Do you still miss your RIM BlackBerry?

Top thread - Ask HN: What could a modern database do that PostgreSQL and MySQL can't

Top thread - Ask HN: What problem are you close to solving and how can we help?

Top thread - Ask HN: Where can I live off 1k USD per month?

Top thread - Ask HN: Google is confusing me with others in a harmful way – what can I do?

Top thread - Ask HN: What tiny purchases have disproportionately improved your life?

Top thread - Ask HN: Has anyone fully embraced an event-driven architecture?

Top thread - Ask HN: My country may be in the midst of a coup – how should I get prepared?

Top thread - Ask HN: for senior positions is it advisable to list side projects on your CV?

Top thread - Ask HN: Recruiters want people who do side projects, yet contracts forbid them?

Top thread - Ask HN: Who is looking for a co-founder? (July 2021)

Top thread - Ask HN: Best “I brought down production” story?

Top thread - Ask HN: I was hit with a patent troll lawsuit, how do I deal with it?

Top thread - Ask HN: How did an adult ADHD diagnosis help you?

Top thread - Tell HN: SMS-based two-factor authentication is not secure

Top thread - Ask HN: Tank man” image search blocked on Bing and DuckDuckGo

Top thread - Ask HN: Favorite Blogs by Individuals?

Top thread - Ask HN: Favorite purchases of last two years?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to negotiate continuing to work remotely?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to attract perm Snr Engs when the contract market is so lucrative?

Top thread - Ask HN: What diagrams do you use in software development?

Top thread - Ask HN: I bought Voltaren at the chemist, now Google shows me ads for it. Why?

Top thread - Ask HN: How can a unhireable person get a job?

Top thread - Ask HN: What tech job would let me get away with the least real work possible?

Top thread - Ask HN: I've realized I'm a bad software engineer and I'm over 30, what's next?

Top thread - Ask HN: What was the biggest contributor to your happiness in the past year?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are some “10x” software product innovations you have experienced?

Top thread - Ask HN: Those who quit their jobs to travel the world, how did it go?

Top thread - Ask HN: Do you think Agile/Scrum is beneficial for software delivery?

Top thread - Shopify says remove Stripe billing or get booted from their app store

Top thread - Ask HN: Advice for finding an entry-level remote job?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why aren't you coding?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is your “I don't care if this succeeds” project?

Top thread - East Coast Internet Outage

Top thread - Ask HN: Anyone know any funny programming jokes?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are you working on?

Top thread - Ask HN: Show me your half baked project

Top thread - Ask HN: What are you surprised isn’t being worked on more?

Top thread - Ask HN: What Lived Up to the Hype?

Top thread - Google outage – resolved

Top thread - Show HN: After 2.5 years on my side project, it has hit £500/month revenue

Top thread - Ask HN: Top Coursera Courses?

Top thread - Tell HN: Thank You Dang

Top thread - Ask HN: What is the best money you have spent on professional development?

Top thread - Ask HN: Wouldn't it be great to be able to follow fellow HN users?

Top thread - Ask HN: As a person, what can I do to improve a city?

Top thread - Ask HN: Please stop writing tutorials/tech articles on Medium

Top thread - Ask HN: What did you purchase that measurably improved your quality of life?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why are there no open source 2d printers?

Top thread - I'm Peter Roberts, immigration attorney who does work for YC and startups. AMA

Top thread - Ask HN: How to learn sales?

Top thread - Ask HN: Your Favourite HN Comment?

Top thread - Tell HN: Never search for domains on

Top thread - Ask HN: What is your favorite motto?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is your favorite method of sending large files?

Top thread - Ask HN: How does work around the “no porn” Stripe rule?

Top thread - Ask HN: Why is Reddit on mobile so obsessed with making me use their app?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are some available force multipliers that most people don't know?

Top thread - Ask HN: What feature did you find after years of using macOS?

Top thread - Ask HN: I have $450K cash, what should I do to maximize my return?

Top thread - Ask HN: Is all of FAANG like this?

Top thread - Ask HN: My GitHub account got suspended without any notice

Top thread - Ask HN: What's the worst piece of software you use everyday?

Top thread - Ask HN: After Slate Star Codex, where are the nuanced discussions?

Top thread - Ask HN: Thoughts on new GitHub layout?

Top thread - Ask HN: A way to adblock “we're using cookies” popups?

Top thread - Thank HN: My startup was born here and is now 10 years old

Top thread - Ask HN: Am I the longest-serving programmer – 57 years and counting?

Top thread - Tell HN: Triplebyte reverses, emails apology

Top thread - Tell HN: Interviewed with Triplebyte? Your profile is about to become public

Top thread - Ask HN: What's your quarantine side project?

Top thread - Ask HN: Name one idea that changed your life

Top thread - Ask HN: What scientific phenomenon do you wish someone would explain better?

Top thread - Ask HN: I'm a software engineer going blind, how should I prepare?

Top thread - Tell HN: C Experts Panel – Ask us anything about C

Top thread - Ask HN: What are you learning?

Top thread - Ask HN: Great fiction books that have had a positive impact on your life?

Top thread - Ask HN: Who is hiring right now?

Top thread - Ask HN: Have you been laid off?

Top thread - Ask HN: Was the Y2K crisis real?

Top thread - Ask HN: Good ways to capture institutional knowledge?

Top thread - Ask HN: How are you preparing for COVID-19 disruptions?

Top thread - Larry Tesler Has Died

Top thread - Ask HN: What are some books where the reader learns by building projects?

Top thread - Ask HN: What Skills to Acquire in 2020?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do we stop the polarization/toxicicity filling the web?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are the best unknown books you have read?

Top thread - Thank HN: You helped me get a new job

Top thread - Ask HN: I've been slacking off at Google for 6 years. How can I stop this?

Top thread - Ask HN: A New Decade. Any Predictions?

Top thread - Ask HN: Best Talks of 2019?

Top thread - Ask HN: How Can I Learn Music Theory?

Top thread - Ask HN: We are shutting down our startup, I get our code. What now?

Top thread - Ask HN: Best book / resources on leadership, especially for tech teams?

Top thread - Tell HN: Google should drop Quora from search results

Top thread - Ask HN: What's the most valuable thing you can learn in an hour?

Top thread - Ask HN: What does your BI stack look like?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do you make sure your servers are up as a single founder?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is the most beautiful piece of code you've ever read?

Top thread - Ask HN: What's a promising area to work on?

Top thread - Ask HN: What do you self-host?

Top thread - Ask HN: How do I make the move to consultant?

Top thread - Ask HN: Who Wants to Be Fired?

Top thread - Ask HN: PostgreSQL or MySQL?

Top thread - Ask HN: Where can I find remote or quality oriented freelancing work?

Top thread - Ask HN: Are you ok?

Top thread - Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News

Top thread - Ask HN: Recommended resources to learn the Linux kernel and OS theory?

Top thread - Ask HN: What book to read to get a footing in CS theory?

Top thread - Tell HN: Danny Cohen Has Died

Top thread - Ask HN: The most useful Mac keyboard shortcuts?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are the “best” codebases that you've encountered?

Top thread - Ask HN: What people skills do you wish you learned earlier in your career?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to deal with constantly getting cut off in work discussions?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are your favorite YouTube channels to learn stuff?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are you working on?

Top thread - Ask HN: What do you do with your Raspberry Pi?

Top thread - Ask HN: What are the signs that you have a great manager?

Top thread - Ask HN: Good tech talks on how analytics systems are implemented?

Top thread - Google Cloud Is Down

Top thread - Ask HN: How can I work towards building a company while employed?

Top thread - Ask HN: Low self confidence and self esteem. How to improve?

Top thread - Ask HN: What overlooked class of tools should a self-taught programmer look into

Top thread - Ask HN: What was your experience starting a tech consultancy?

Top thread - Ask HN: Are you put off building something because it already exists?

Top thread - Ask HN: What is your money-making side project outside programming?

Top thread - Ask HN: One-person SaaS apps that are profitable?

Top thread - Ask HN: Which great products didn't succeed?

Top thread - Ask HN: Amazon delisted me – what do I do?

Top thread - Ask HN: Physicists of HN, what are you working on these days?

Top thread - Ask HN: How to learn best practices when you have no one to teach you?

Top thread - Ask HN: Startup failed after years of work – Can I even get a job now?

Top thread - Ask HN: What made you change your mind about a programming language/paradigm?